At that time a source reported that Cowell was riding the bike when he “slipped off” and fell, but he is “OK.” “He was pedaling along, with his electric motor on, when the wheels suddenly went from under him after hitting a wet patch,” according to media reports. “He slipped and went flying over the handlebars into the middle of the road.” Cowell was taken to the nearby Chelsea and Westminster Hospital where he had his arm set in the bright yellow cast before being discharged a few hours later. Cowell was not wearing a helmet. The first time Cowell had an electric bike accident was back in August 2020 when he was testing out a bike at his Malibu home. Back then, he underwent a six-hour surgery to repair his spine, and doctors inserted a metal rod into his back. Despite the two accidents, Cowell says he has no intention of giving up the bike—but he will start wearing a helmet. With his penchant for danger, it’s not surprising that Cowell came up with the idea for America’s Got Talent: Extreme, which will premiere on Monday, Feb. 21 at 8 p.m. on NBC. Cowell was in London filming the next season of Britain’s Got Talent when the accident took place. Next, Danger, Thrills and Excitement! Everything You Need to Know About America’s Got Talent: Extreme