This March 27 episode, “Hour of the Wolf,” was all about Young Ian’s (John Bell) back story, with his time with the Mohawk finally revealed. In flashback, we learn the fate of his wife and child after he encounters a member of that tribe while visiting the Cherokee with Jamie (Sam Heughan). Back home, Malva Christie (Jessica Reynolds) was up to her sneaky ways as Claire (Caitriona Balfe) teaches her about putting patients to sleep using ether. With this episode telling Ian’s story, and the previous episode focused on Fergus (César Domboy) and Marsali (Lauren Lyle); it seems likely that, in keeping with each episode centering on a different member of the Fraser clan, we can expect to see more Roger in episode 5. It also looks like another split episode, in which Jamie and Claire will be visiting with some old friends while Richard and Bree deal with things at home. Here’s everything we learned from the promo for Outlander Season 6 episode 5, “Give Me Liberty.”
Is there an Outlander Season 6 episode 5 promo preview?
Yes! The trailer for “Give Me Liberty” starts with Brianna chastising Roger for spending time with a newly arrived resident, a widow with children whose husband died on the journey to America. Oddly, Bree doesn’t seem to be jealous herself, but rather may be relating how the other Fraser’s Ridge inhabitants might feel. “You’ve been spending a lot of time over there,” she says. “You’re a married man who’s alone with a widow in her home for hours on end.” Next, we see a strange spiral of stones on the ground. Brianna asks Marsali what it is. “That, I believe, is a love charm,” she answers as the camera flashes to a sly-looking Malva. Interesting, considering her father is devoted man of Christian faith—although she has said her mother was a witch. Then, hooray, it’s Lord John Grey (David Berry)! “What will they say when they learn I’ve broken my oath to the king?” Jamie asks, presumably to Claire, as we see Lord John as well as Aunt Jocasta (Maria Doyle Kennedy). “If only they knew what was coming,” Claire says as we see British soldiers barging into a room. Are they coming for Jamie? “Jamie, it is dangerous,” Lord John tells him as they sit in another scene in a garden. Then there’s a riot, with stones being thrown through a window, and Jamie meeting with an unknown man in a pub. “The tide has turned,” Claire says ominously. “Our allegiance now is to this new nation.” Jamie is continuing to walk the line between loyalist and rebel, but the time is coming quickly when he will have to make a choice. And we’re super excited to see Jamie spend some time with Lord John, as well as Aunt Jocasta.
What happened on Outlander Season 6 episode 4?
Season 6 episode 4, “Hour of the Wolf,” finally revealed Young Ian’s story of his time with the Mohawk—and it turns out, his long lost wife is alive. The episode starts in flashback, to a ceremony by which Ian was adopted by the Mohawk and named “Wolf’s Brother.” In further flashbacks as Ian reveals his story to Jamie, we learn Ian fell in love with a woman he called Emily because he couldn’t pronounce her Mohawk name. They are married, and for a while everything seems to be going well. Emily becomes pregnant—but then tragically loses the baby. After she has a second miscarriage, the Mohawk, including, reluctantly, his wife, suggest Ian’s spirit is not strong enough for her to remain with child, and that he must leave the village. Adding insult to injury, Emily choses another husband, Kaheroton, who had practically become a brother to Ian. In the present, Jamie and Ian travel to visit the Cherokee to deliver guns from the British government. Before Jamie leaves, Brianna relates what she knows is going to happen sixty years in the future: The government will forcibly move the Native American off their lands in a journey in which 8,000 of them will die: the Trail of Tears. When Jamie and Ian arrive at the Cherokee village, Ian sees that Kaheroton is also there to trade with the Cherokee. When Ian moves to attack Kaheroton, accusing him of stealing his wife, the fight is broken up by Jamie and another Indian agent, Alexander “Scotchee” Cameron—who threatens Kaheroton and challenges him to a duel. Ian, trying to make peace with what has happened, tells Jamie he’s worried he’s being punished and that his daughter is lost in purgatory because she was unbaptized. Jamie relates the story of Faith, the child he and Claire lost in season 2, and says that Faith will look for Ian’s daughter in heaven. Ian then talks with Kaheroton, giving him Jamie’s pistol to use in the duel. Kaheroton tells Ian to look after his wife and son if he should die. Cameron, coward that he is, turns early in the duel, and Ian stops his shot from aiming at Kaheroton, who doesn’t return fire. Kaheroton and Ian part as friends, and Ian accepts that Emily is now Kaheroton’s wife. Before Jamie leaves, he warns the Cherokee chief of the fate of the Native Americans (with the explanation that his wife and daughter see what is to come in their dreams). The chief says he will pass down the message to his descendants that they should hide instead of leaving their land when the time comes. Meanwhile back at the ridge, Claire teaches Malva how to administer the ether during operations, and they practice on Josiah and Lizzie. Malva also takes a peek into Claire’s medical journal, with her permission, fascinated by her sketches of the body. Later, after Jamie returns, he and Claire have sex in the barn—with Malva watching. She’s up to something, this one. In this episode, we don’t see any trace of Marsali, only a brief glimpse of Roger, and one short scene with Fergus as Jamie sends him off on a trading journey. But it’s still a sweet scene, as Fergus seems to be recovering from his depression and alcoholism. Overall, though, this was Ian’s episode. At the end, he decides he can be both Ian and Wolf’s Brother. “I’ve been known by many names, lad,” Jamie tells him. “Call yourself whatever you want. All that matters is who you are here,” he says, touching his chest. Jamie always knows the right thing to say!
Are there any Outlander Season 6 episode 5 spoilers?
It’s hard to believe we’re already halfway through Season 6, which is only eight super-sized episodes. But if you’re wondering how the show will get through all the material in Outlander book six, A Breath of Snow and Ashes, the answer is, well, that it won’t. Executive producer Toni Graphia revealed that not all of the novel will be in Season 6—a chunk of that storyline will move to Season 7, as this season had to be shortened due to COVID and Balfe’s real-life pregnancy. “Of course, it’s always a disappointment if you don’t get to where you were planning to go,” Graphia said on The Outlander Podcastabout the shortened Season 6. “But we knew that we would be able to take the material we had planned for those back episodes and put them into the new season [7].” As for episode 5, we’ll see more of Brianna and Roger’s relationship now that they’re settled in America for good. “I think where we find Roger and Brianna in Season 6 is more together than you’ve ever seen them,” Rankin said in a Starz behind-the-scenes vid on Instagram. “They’ve both embraced and accepted the 18th century as their home. In Season 5, they tried and failed to go back to their time. But for Roger I don’t think he had quite realized that it was more home to him than he thought. That set up a foundation for Roger and Rrianna to understand that they can be happy there, so then it just becomes about what is their purpose as a family here settled, where we’re going to spend our life, so that’s quite an interesting position that we find Roger in in Season 6.” Also in this episode, Jamie and Claire will definitely be getting into the action in the lead-up to the Revolutionary War. The official description from Starz for the episode reads, “Claire and Jamie experience the rising tensions in the colonies first-hand when they attend a Loyalist event in Wilmington in honor of the Scottish heroine, Flora MacDonald.” That must be where things get a bit out of hand, and a riot breaks out. While Claire and Jamie are away from the ridge, they’ll presumably meet up with Lord John Grey and Aunt Jocasta. The two characters’ appearance in Season 6 was only confirmed in a Starz video for World Outlander Day last June, when the cast of Season 6 thanked fans from the set. Viewers were thrilled to see both, especially Lord Grey, who had posted cryptically on Instagram, “Don’t like goodbyes, tears or sighs” after an appearance in Season 5 in May 2020, which some interpreted to mean he wouldn’t be returning. Although neither Lord John nor Aunt Jocasta has a huge role in A Breath of Snow and Ashes, we’ll take whatever we can get when “Give Me Liberty” premieres on Sunday, April 3. Next, Will There Be an Outlander Season 8? Here’s What Executive Producer Maril Davis Told Us