On July 23, Dank became an instant social media sensation while watching the Tokyo Games’ Opening Ceremony at home with girlfriend Nancy Taylor Bird, mother of Olympic basketball star and U.S. flag bearer Sue Bird. When the Olympics broadcast showed Dank peacefully tuning in from his recliner in Melville, N.Y., the world fell in love. Below, find out what we know about Harry Dank and behold the best Harry Dank memes so far!
Who Is Harry Dank?
Prior to going viral, the internet shows little record of Dank, which only makes him all the more fascinating. However, here’s something interesting to note: There is a Harry Dank on Facebook, whose profile states that he lives in Great Neck, N.Y. (about 20 miles from Melville on Long Island) and that he graduated from high school in Baldwin, another Long Island town. Meanwhile, Nancy Bird’s Facebook profile likewise notes that she attended Baldwin High School. Maybe this was a case of old chums reuniting?
Best Harry Dank Memes
Harry Dank Ken Bone Memes
Some Twitter users couldn’t help comparing Dank to Ken Bone, who went viral during the second 2016 presidential debate essentially for wearing a red sweater and basically appearing quite precious.
Harry Dank Olympic Mascot memes
Others championed Dank, who paired a Team USA Basketball T-shirt along with his glasses, white tube socks, sneakers and jeans, as the true mascot of the 2020 Olympics.
Harry Dank Bernie Sanders memes
Still others likened him to Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who got the meme treatment for wearingcute mittens at President Joe Biden’sinauguration in January. Like they did with Sanders, social media users have already started Photshopping Dank into entirely silly settings—including seated at the inauguration alongside Sanders.
Harry Dank Jeff Bezos memes
Another famous spot where Dank’s already turned up? At Jeff Bezos’ spaceflight landing!
Harry Dank TheShining memes
Why not? Here’s Dank at the Overlook Hotel’s Fourth of July Ball from The Shining,
Harry Dank Wayne’sWorld memes
Dank taping Wayne’s World in Wayne’s basement in Aurora, Illinois, alongside Mike Myers and Dana Carvey? We’re not worthy!
Harry Dank Friends memes
Not content to pal around with just one famous NBC comedic duo, Dank also hangs in Joey and Chandler’s apartment from Friends. (Hey, he’s got the recliner already!)
Harry Dank Starship Enterprise memes
Boldly going where no Olympian’s mom’s boyfriend has gone before, here’s Dank aboard the Starship Enterprise from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Harry Dank for President memes
Some even appointed him the next leader of the free world.
Harry Dank Pita Taufatofua memes
Others pointed out that no matter who wins at the Olympics, Harry Dank (even more than the viral Tonga skier Pita Taufatofua) was the true winner of the Games. Next, find out how to show your love for Team USA with Olympics emojis (Including Simone Biles)!