And it’s fun for literally no one. Except maybe the gnats themselves. And getting rid of gnats isn’t that fun either. Nobody wants to live with bugs, especially gross little gnats, so naturally, people are looking for different remedies—whether they be natural, at-home remedies or the most efficient kinds of spray or foggers (for outdoor infestations)—that will rid their home of gnats once and for all. But before we get into removal techniques, it’s crucial that you correctly identify the little bugger terrorizing your kitchen. Because there are different tactics for getting rid of gnats, drain flies, fruit flies, and other pests with wings, you want to be absolutely sure of what you’re dealing with. That way, you can properly get rid of the pests once and for all.
What are gnats?
Gnats are small, two-winged flies that typically descend in swarms. They sort of resemble mosquitoes but are typically much smaller. Gnats are generally considered unwanted pests, both indoors and outdoors, because they arrive in such large quantities and are attracted by things like open trash, dirty dishes, and overwatered, moldy plants.
How do I identify gnats?
It’s important to properly identify the pest you are dealing with, as some removal techniques won’t work efficiently if you are treating the wrong bug. The physical differences between pests like gnats, drain flies, and fruit flies are pretty miniscule, but upon inspection, you should be able to tell. Fungus gnats typically look black and have long legs, not unlike a mosquito. However, if your “gnat” is brown and appears more round in shape, then it’s probably a fruit fly—here’s exactly how to get rid of fruit flies. If your “gnat” appears to be fuzzy or hairy, has larger wings, and hangs tight to the sink drain, then it’s not a gnat at all, but most likely a drain fly.
Where do gnats come from?
Ugh, it’s the question we all kinda want to ask but are too terrified to really know the answer. Gnats don’t appear for any not-gross reason, as they are attracted to wet, soggy, sugary, moldy, and dirty. For these reasons, you might find gnats most commonly in your kitchen, near fruit or vegetables, a sugary spill, the garbage can, or by overwatered, dying succulents. It may be nasty but discovering the origin point of your gnats is important to getting rid of them. After all, if you treat the wrong area and gnats are coming into your home from another source, the removal treatment won’t work. Most commonly, gnats make their way into your home in two major ways: from your fruit and veggies or from outdoors. It’s disturbing, but it’s the truth. Adult flies lay hundreds of eggs on unripe fruits and vegetables; as these fruits and veggies mature and eventually, start to rot, the larvae get most of their nutrition from the rotting organic materials. The sad reality is, most gnats (and fruit flies) we invite into our own homes by simply buying fruits and veggies, then not discarding of them immediately once they go bad. Another common way gnats can come into your home is from the outside. If you frequently keep windows and doors open, they may simply fly inside. If your home is more prone to having open trash cans, spills, or dirty dishes, it might make more sense that a wayward gnat would fly inside and then want to stay. But if your home is particularly immaculate, you may want to check the surrounding area outdoors. What caused the gnat to fly inside in the first place? Open garbage bags right outside your doors or near your windows could most commonly be the source.
What are some natural ways to get rid of gnats in your house?
If you’ve successfully identified the pest as a gnat and know where the gnats are coming from, there are a few natural, at-home remedies you can try to get rid of them before resorting to the harder stuff.
Apple Cider Vinegar Trap
Mix a half cup of warm water, two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, and several drops of liquid dish soap in a bowl. (To improve your gnat-catching chances, add a tablespoon of sugar to sweeten the mixture.) Place a bowl of each mixture wherever you notice gnats frequenting your home most. This trap works by attracting gnats with the sugar, then as they lean in to sip, the dish soap traps them.
DIY Wine Trap
Wine can also do wonders for catching gnats. After all, it’s fruity, aromatic, and sweet—everything a winged pest loves. Use an old wine that has already expired, as expired wines are more vinegar than they are wine. You’ll only need a small amount of wine at the bottom of the bottle. Add a few drops of liquid dish soap. This will work the same way as the apple cider vinegar trap, only it may work better, as gnats generally have a difficult time flying back up and out the wine bottle stem.
Rotten Fruit Trap
Gnats love old, ripe fruit, right? So, let’s give it to them. For this DIY trap, you’ll need a paper cone, vinegar, and old chunk of fruit of your choice. Place a little bit of vinegar and the overripe fruit in a jar; roll the paper into a cone and place in the jar too, narrow end at the bottom. The mixture will attract the gnats, but again, they’ll have a difficult time flying up and out the paper cone.
Candle Trap
This trap is particularly heinous—you know, death by open flame and all—but hey, it works. Place a candle into a candlestick, then balance the candlestick in small cooking pan full of water. Try to do this trick at night so there isn’t as much daylight coming through the windows. Turn off the lights and light the candle only. The flame will attract the gnats and one of two gruesome things will happen: they’ll either die by flame or fall and drown in the water below.
If your swarm isn’t too big, you could choose to target gnats individually. Spray them with a mixture of water, vinegar, and dish soap. As long as you’ve got good aim, one spray should knock ‘em down.
How does vinegar get rid of gnats?
Vinegar itself does not get rid of gnats, but it is a good luring tactic to attract gnats into a trap. Vinegar smells sweet, so gnats will fly into a trap to get a drink. Using another substance like liquid dish soap helps to trap the gnats, that way they end up dying in the vinegar mixture.
How does bleach get rid of gnats?
While bleach is not necessarily a non-toxic, all-natural remedy for getting rid of gnats, it can work efficiently to remove gnats in your home. Here’s how it works: Bleach is a most effective method of removal for gnats that tend to congregate around drains. Whether it’s your sink, bathtub, or shower drain, pouring a half cup of bleach down the drain should wipe them out.
What to spray to get rid of gnats
We get it: Sometimes the all-natural, nontoxic route just simply doesn’t work. In that case, you’ve got an infestation on your hands and it’s best to call in the big guns. Chemical sprays and insecticides will get the job done, but if you have children or pets, you’ll want to be extra careful using this method. Sprays like Hot Shot Kitchen Bug Killer and Sawyer Products Premium Insect Repellant—which uses the ingredient picaridin—are specifically designed to kill gnats.
How to get rid of gnats outdoors
If you are struggling with an outdoor gnat infestation, your best bet is an insect fogger. Foggers emit a cloud of pesticides that kill of gnats and other winged pests (like mosquitoes, for example). However, foggers do contain pesticides, so if you have children or pets, you’ll want to read the directions and use this product extremely carefully.
How to prevent gnats
Nobody wants to live amongst gnats, so once you get rid of them, make sure it’s for good. You can prevent gnats (and fruit flies) by keeping your home as clean as possible. Avoid leaving dishes in the sink. As soon as you’re finished eating, either load the dishwasher or immediately was the dishes. Wash your produce as soon as you bring it home from the grocery store. This helps get rid of any eggs or larvae that might already be laid on the surface. Store fruit and vegetables in the refrigerator, rather than on the counter or on the table. Wipe up spills immediately, especially if they are particularly sugary drinks like juice or alcohol. If you have food leftovers, keep them in a sealed container. If you’re composting, make sure to cover the compost bin tightly; don’t leave food scraps in an open bowl or container. This will increase your risk of attracting pests. Tightly close the lid on the garbage. While gnats most commonly show up in kitchen areas, you’ll want to make sure you also cover the trash in your bathrooms, too. If you also have an outdoor trash or dumpster that’s kept near the house, make sure that it is also tightly sealed. Open outdoor garbage cans can attract way worse than gnats—ants, roaches, and raccoons could smell the odors and make their way over. Check your plants. If you’re a bona fide plant lady, then good on ya, but if you only want to live amongst greenery and not amongst the buggies that greenery sometimes attracts, you need to be careful. If a plant is overwatered, you may notice little fungus gnats flying around it. Let the soil dry out completely between watering. Also, poor-quality potted soil can also sometimes be the culprit; if this is the case, you’ll want to repot your plants with a higher-quality soil. Is your house damp or humid? Winged pests thrive in warmer, wetter conditions—which is why you might notice them more during the hotter, summer months—so you’ll want to limit these conditions in order to prevent pests. If your home is particularly warm and humid, invest in a dehumidifier. Afterall, the best environment for a gnat is anywhere from 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. You may also want to check your pipes and faucets; if they are leaking, they might be causing some unwanted moistness that’s attracting gnats. Here are 101 inspiringMarie Kondo quotes about organizing, decluttering and more!