Why Do People Crack their Knuckles?
The reasons vary for cracking knuckles. Some people say that it releases tension and makes their hands feel more relaxed. Other knuckle crackers find that it becomes a nervous habit that helps them deal with anxiety and stress. Some people report enjoying the sound of cracking knuckles, although those around them who aren’t knuckle crackers will often complain about the almost shiver-inducing noise!
Why Do Knuckles Crack?
According to Robert H. Shmerling, MD, faculty editor for Harvard Health Publishing at Harvard Medical School, the cracking and popping sound that occurs with knuckle cracking comes from increased space between the finger joints. Gas bubbles burst within the joint (synovial) fluid that helps lubricate joints, which makes the sound. Shmerling likens what occurs to blowing up a balloon to the point where it stretches and pops. A study published in 2018 by Nature.com confirmed this.
Why Can’t You Crack the Same Knuckle Right Away?
Those who crack their knuckles find that if they crack the same knuckle in quick succession, it won’t make a second cracking or popping sound. According to Shmerling, this occurs because it takes awhile for the gas bubbles to accumulate in the joint again. Studies have found that the average time for this to occur is 20 minutes.
Does Cracking Your Knuckles Cause Arthritis?
Given all the popping, you might wonder if cracking can lead to arthritis in the hands. Studies have found that the rate of arthritis in the hands of knuckle crackers isn’t any different than those who don’t crack their knuckles, according to Parade advice columnist Marilyn vos Savant. One doctor decided to test the theory and cracked the knuckles in his left hand at least twice a day for more than 50 years, while rarely popping the knuckles in his other hand, says vos Savant. Neither of his hands developed arthritis. This was confirmed through x-rays that he did on his hands. A study in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicinealso concluded that knuckle cracking doesn’t lead to arthritis.
Is Knuckle Cracking Harmful in Other Ways?
While knuckle cracking isn’t associated with arthritis, it has been connected to other problems with the hands. These include occasional dislocations or tendon injuries when the knuckle cracking is overly forceful. Cracking your knuckles has also been associated with decreased grip strength with aging. This can mean having more difficulty opening jars and even turning knobs.
When It’s Time to See a Physician
Since cracking your knuckles hasn’t been found to lead to arthritis or any diseases, it’s important to see a doctor if you experience pain, swelling or mobility issues with your hands.
How to Stop Cracking Your Knuckles
Given the fact that cracking your knuckles could cause decreased hand strength and lead to injury, you might want to consider stopping the popping habit. In order to do so, you’ll want to take a close look at why you crack your knuckles and address any associated issues. For instance, if you’re cracking your knuckles because you’re anxious, address the reasons for your anxiety. Consider alternate activities to reduce tension and stress, such as meditation, deep breathing or exercise, like yoga. An alternative to cracking your knuckles could be to squeeze a stress ball. If you decide to continue cracking your knuckles, it’s good to know that doing so probably won’t harm you. Unless you count the “noise complaints” when you crack them! Next, if you’ve been cracking your knuckles for years, your fingers may look like these witch finger cookies! Sources: —Robert H. Shmerling, MD, faculty editor for Harvard Health Publishing at Harvard Medical School —study published in 2018 by Nature.com —Parade advice columnist Marilyn vos Savant —study in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine